
Archive for : ISI Insider

Industry Impact on Technology Trends (Part 1)

As our industry adapts and anticipates changes in technology trends in the coming years, it is vital to evaluate these changes within the context of what this means for your business.  Steve Barram, CEO of Integrated Services Inc. (ISI) presented on this topic at the 2019 iFlex tradeshow and has written a series of articles, three of which have been published in National Oil and Lube News (NOLN).  As you consider emerging market trends, we hope these thoughts are useful as you look toward the future of this industry. Read More

Electronic Service Manual Redesign: Part 3

“Coming Soon” and “Major Changes” are phrases you have seen in recent ISI Insider issues. In these times we are all living with change. Change can be difficult and overwhelming, but the new ESM release is a change we are excited about. The redesign is now in beta release with general release scheduled for the beginning of July. Read More

New Normal: Online Library of Video and Article Resources

While we adapt to the “new normal” in an evolving environment, our mission is to support your business with resources to help your operations thrive in a time of uncertainty.  We will be releasing articles and videos for you to use with actionable ways to safely offer services to your customers. Read More

Coronavirus (COVID-19) Update 

ISI is monitoring the Coronavirus (COVID-19) developments closely. As this dynamic situation continues to evolve, we want to reaffirm our commitment to being responsive to customer needs and to protecting the health of our employees. Below are some actions we have undertaken to accomplish both of these very important objectives.

  • This week, ISI is migrating most of its employees to work from their homes.
  • Some ongoing business functions require employees to be on site, and these employees are practicing the CDC recommended social distancing, hand washing and disinfecting of work and common spaces. Employees who feel sick are required to stay home, even if they are scheduled to work on site.
  • All employees are encouraged to limit social contact wherever possible.
  • ISI has halted business travel and will not host visitors to the office through the end of March. We will continue to evaluate this travel and visitor restriction, and it may be extended to follow guidelines from national and local governments.
  • Warehouse inventory has been increased to protect against potential supply interruptions.

Thank you for selecting ISI to service your business systems needs. These are unprecedented times, and we want you to know that we are here to support you.

Steve Barram on behalf of the entire ISI team

Major Changes Coming to Electronic Service Manual (ESM)

Did you catch last month’s exciting Insider announcement? The ESM is getting a facelift and the redesign is almost here!

The new ESM is browser-based and provides simple and easy to use updated navigation. This redesign offers a more powerful experience and will allow ISI to add more features and options in additional planned 2020 releases. Read More