how to manage your labor costs with these webcentral reports

In any retail business, it’s important that close attention is paid to monitoring labor costs – and the quick lube industry is no different. However, manually analyzing employee timesheets and large amounts of data can be time consuming and inaccurate. With two specific webCentral reports, you can save time and energy while increasing accuracy when managing your labor costs.

webCentral offers a few different ways to help you manage and evaluate employee labor costs in order to maximize the efficiency of staffing your store. Traffic Reports and Employee Timesheet Report are two reports that can specifically help manage labor expenditures. Let’s take a look at how you can leverage these two reports.

Traffic Reports

Traffic Reports give you the ability to evaluate the stream of business. By understanding your busiest days of the week and times of day, you are able to strategically staff your store with the amount of employees appropriate to the flow of traffic. Avoid over or understaffing by using Traffic Reports to make informed staffing decisions. These useful reports can help you greatly reduce unnecessary overtime or scheduling gaps that may be costing you money. See the example Traffic Report Chart below.

traffic chart

Employee Timesheet Report

The Employee Timesheet Report is often used primarily for payroll purposes. However, it works in tandem with Traffic Reports to identify times where excessive overtime is being used when it may not be necessary. By comparing the two reports, you have the ability to identify times of the day/week where overtime can be reduced by more efficient scheduling. The Employee Timesheet Report also offers the opportunity to evaluate when employee timesheets are edited. This allows you to evaluate time clock editing practices at a store level.

employee timesheet report

Next Steps

Now that you know how to utilize these reports to help manage labor costs, you should integrate these tools into your existing labor management process. In whatever capacity you embed these tools, it is imperative that you maintain consistency. Similar to our “Best Practices for Your Shop: Concierge Services” Insider last month, consistency is the key to success. With a consistent labor management process, you can increase efficiency, which will lead to optimized labor costs.

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