ISI Insider August

Last month we spoke with Derek Horsley about his experience with the new LubeSoft® Mobile Cashier.  We also interviewed Brad Phillips to see how Mobile Cashier has changed his customer transaction process and how it has been beneficial for his store.

Brad kindly took the time to share his experience and thoughts with our team.

How long have you been using Mobile Cashier?
8 months.

What specific feature do you like most?
I love the ability to cash out a customer anywhere in my store and that the process is flawless and smooth.

How have you seen Mobile Cashier benefit your business process?
Mobile Cashier allows us the ability to be present with the customer to review services performed and cash out on the spot.  This capability makes us look professional and efficient in the eyes of our customers.  Our fleet customers love Mobile Signature Capture because it allows them the ability to receive printed, e-mailed, or both types of invoices with their signature already included.

Would you recommend this product? If so, why?
Yes, absolutely!  Our customers love it, as do we.  It reflects well on our business and operations and keeps us up-to-date in what we are able to offer our customers.

Curious about how Mobile Cashier can benefit your store?  Call your ISI sales rep at 800-922-3099 or visit